The Power of Scent
There is great power in a scent. A scent can bring you back to a cherished memory, energize you and spur you into action or put your mind at ease. Truly, a scent can work wonders in many ways. You may have heard that scent is closely linked to memory, but did you also know that [...]
Six Tips For Healthy Nails
Your fingernails play a pivotal role on your hand, as they protect your fingertips and surrounding tissues from injuries. However, daily activities put your nails through the wringer, making them vulnerable in the process. Simple activities such as washing the dishes and opening up cans of pop can wear away at your cuticles and leave your nails brittle and [...]
What You Should Know About Parabens
Parabens. Many people have heard the term but not everyone is aware of its implications. These synthetic preservatives are used in cosmetics, deodorant, soaps, shampoos, conditioners and skin care products, and go by names that twist the tongue like methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben and isobutylparaben.Parabens are used to help products survive for long periods of time, but they are [...]
Research Shows That Soap and Water Can Help Wash Away Your Doubts
We all know that soap and water are good for your skin, but did you also know that they can be good for your psyche, too?According to a 2011 literature review published in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science, cleansing may help to alleviate mental discomfort such as second thoughts that arise after making a decision. In [...]

We Did The Warm Honey Lemon Water Challenge, and You Should Too
The internet has been abuzz lately with Crystal Davis and her honey-lemon water.She claims that if you drink the mix every single day the health benefits are enormous. Skin looks fresher, your digestion becomes easier, you don’t get sick. Seems like such an easy fix for a slew of problems. So the question is, does it work? We tested out the [...]
Justin Alexander Bartels IMPRESSION Series Will Have You Questioning What We Sacrifice For Beauty
Justin Alexander Bartels recently released this gallery of striking images detailing what happens to the skin after taking off tight or restrictive clothing. The work speaks directly to the types of constraints women subject themselves to in order to achieve or maintain some beauty ideal. According to the artist:“The IMPRESSION series came about from my dating [...]
6 Tips Every Woman With Oily Skin Should Know
Stay out of the sun!Even more than those with fair or dry skin, a tan will wreak havoc on oily skin. I know the healthy glow from a tan and the way it makes blemishes vanish can be tempting but just say no! Tanning causes oil glands in the skin to overproduce oil, causing breakouts as the skin [...]
Having Trouble Sleeping? Take A Bath
No one likes to spend the entire night tossing and turning or zoning out in front of the television. Sleep disorders can be tricky, and their severity is almost always directly related to stress. One of the best solutions? Taking a bath. According to, your temperature naturally dips at night, starting about two hours before [...]
These Rainbow-Haired Girls Will Have You Reaching For The Manic Panic
Love brights as much as we do? Check out our picks for best outrageous ombre hair.
Does Skin Brushing Really Help Get Rid of Cellulite?
It is the age old question; can anything really be done about cellulite? There are hundreds of creams and wraps that claim they can help you say goodbye to those annoying dimples but most of them just don't work. The dimpled patches just under the skin are the result of fat accumulating in pockets near [...]